PDA Provider Badge

NCCAOM PDA Provider:


NCCAOM PDA Provider #: 9022

Provider Website: http://acusharpener.org

Responsible Party:

Hui Wang

NCCAOM PDA Providers represent a significant commitment to the professional development of Diplomates and practitioners in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Providers make an important statement regarding the maintenance of competencies that is recognized by the profession, regulatory agencies, third-party payors, and the public.

Earning Criteria:

Applicants applying to become NCCAOM PDA Providers undergo a rigorous review and interview process. Requirements include:

  1. Maintenance of Active Certification status if an NCCAOM Diplomate
  2. Maintenance of a clear and unrestricted state acupuncture license, if applicable
  3. Verification of the resume/curriculum vitae for education and professional experience
  4. Website evaluation for professional representation and ethical advertising methods
  5. Attest to abide by the NCCAOM® Code of Ethics, the NCCAOM® Grounds for Professional Discipline, NCCAOM® PDA Agreement, and the NCCAOM® PDA Product and Service Disclaimer.

Courses approved by the NCCAOM PDA Department must meet the following requirements:

  1. Course content must meet standards for Continuing Education & Training
  2. Course content must apply to one of the NCCAOM Recertification categories
  3. Instructors must meet qualifications in education, practical experience, licensure, and teaching experience via a professional resume
  4. Courses must be applicable to one of four course types

List of PDA approved courses

PDA-9022-24 A Brief Introduction to Human Trafficking Distance Learning
PDA-9022-8 Analysis of Knee Pain in Biomedicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-22 Analysis of Lower Back Pain in Biomedicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-56 Analysis of Neck Pain in Biomedicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-34 Analysis of Pain in Excess and Deficiency Syndromes Distance Learning
PDA-9022-37 Analysis of Shoulder Pain in Biomedicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-54 Auricular Acupoint Stimulation Methods Distance Learning
PDA-9022-38 Bloodletting Acupuncture Distance Learning
PDA-9022-57 Case Analysis of Maintaining Professional Boundaries Distance Learning
PDA-9022-58 Case Analysis of Privacy in Patient Care Distance Learning
PDA-9022-36 Correct Clinician-patient Relationship Distance Learning
PDA-9022-35 Cupping Risk Prevention and Contraindications Distance Learning
PDA-9022-53 Infection Control in Acupuncture Clinics Distance Learning
PDA-9022-4 Intro to Impact of Western Medicine on Traditional Chinese Medicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-16 Needle Breaking in Acupuncture Distance Learning
PDA-9022-9 Prevention of Injuries of Internal Organs in Acupuncture (1) Distance Learning
PDA-9022-25 Privacy Protection in Telemedicine Distance Learning
PDA-9022-3 Six-stage Treatment of Allergic Sinusitis and Epigastric Distension Distance Learning
PDA-9022-18 TCM Analysis of Diarrhea - Online Distance Learning
PDA-9022-17 TCM Analysis of Insomnia - Online Distance Learning
PDA-9022-40 TCM Analysis of Three Sciatic Pain Cases Live Presentation
PDA-9022-47 TCM Analysis of Three Sinusitis Cases Distance Learning
PDA-9022-43 TCM Analysis of Two Long Covid Cases Live Presentation
PDA-9022-46 TCM Analysis of Two Sinusitis Cases Distance Learning
PDA-9022-55 TCM Diagnosis and Treatment of GERD Distance Learning
PDA-9022-29 TCM Introduction to the Causes of Infertility Distance Learning
PDA-9022-50 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Bloating Distance Learning
PDA-9022-42 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Chest Pain Live Presentation
PDA-9022-48 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Dizziness Distance Learning
PDA-9022-41 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Epigastric Discomfort Live Presentation
PDA-9022-44 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Gallbladder Diseases Live Presentation
PDA-9022-45 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Hot Hands and Feet Live Presentation
PDA-9022-51 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Irritability Distance Learning
PDA-9022-49 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Shortness of Breath Distance Learning
PDA-9022-52 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Thirst Distance Learning
PDA-9022-39 TCM Syndromes and Treatments of Throat Discomfort Live Presentation
PDA-9022-19 TCM Treatment of Headache - Online Distance Learning
PDA-9022-20 TCM Treatment of Prostatitis - Online Distance Learning
PDA-9022-7 The Impact of Electronic Devices on Patient Care Distance Learning
PDA-9022-1 Treating the Zang-organs with Seasonal Features Distance Learning
PDA-9022-2 Treatment of Cough Caused by Disorders of Zang-Fu Organs in addition to the Lungs Distance Learning
PDA-9022-23 Usage and Contraindication of Moxa Distance Learning